Webcasual labour - Meaning in Hindi, what is the meaning of casual labour in Hindi dictionary, pronunciation, synonyms, usage examples and definitions of casual labour. Webcasual labour in Hindi - English-Hindi Dictionary | Glosbe. Check 'casual labour' translations into Hindi. Look through examples of casual labour translation in. WebHinkhoj Dictionary (हिंखोज डिक्शनरी) is India's popular and trusted Hindi English Dictionary with more than 5 lakh words. HinKhoj Dictionary have over 20 millions.
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WebWhat is labour meaning in Hindi? The word or phrase labour refers to a political party formed in Great Britain in 1900; characterized by the promotion of labor's interests and formerly. Webcasual अनियत आकfस्मक. labourer कामगार मजदूर. Examples. 1. Marian mentions to Tom that Jack is looking for a casual labourer at the farm. 2. She received no formal education. Webcasual labour meaning in Hindi with examples: अनियत मजदूर अनियत श्रमिक नैमित्तिक मजदूर ... click for more detailed meaning of casual labour in Hindi with examples,. Webnoun. people who are employed on a temporary, rather than a permanent or regular basis. To stop the huge turnover of casual labour, the company has set up a structured career. WebCasual Labour meaning in Hindi, Meaning of Casual Labour in English Hindi Dictionary. Pioneer by www.aamboli.com, helpful tool of English Hindi Dictionary. WebRelated to Casual Labour Local Labour means skilled, semi-skilled workers of all trades engaged by the Contractor on the Site for the purpose of or in connection with the. WebA casual labourer means a person not borne on the regular establishment of an office who has rendered a minimum of two years continuous service as casual labourer in the office/. WebCasual meaning in Hindi (हिन्दी मे मीनिंग ) is आकस्मिक.English definition of Casual : marked by blithe unconcern; an ability to interest casual students; showed a casual. WebOn this page you will get the Casual labour hindi meaning, definition, antonyms and synonyms of Casual labour. Know the answer of what is the meaning of Casual labour.
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